Friday, September 19, 2008

This is insane -- starvation diet!

It's amazing what some people will do to themselves. I've been doing two days of juice cleansing a week, so I was surfing the net looking at pictures and stories of people who've done fasting. I found this woman who put her health at risk by doing a water-only fast for three weeks! In the last video she can barely form a sentence without effort. It's fascinating and scary.

Here's here first day of fasting:

Here's day 21:

Here's day 30: She seems very happy to be able to eat again!

My own experience with juice fasting has been great. So far I have done a juice fast (approx. 300-500 calories per day) two days a week, for five weeks now. I've dropped about 10 pounds, and I look and feel great. But this is a very moderate regime, that allows five days of rest and preparation between. This woman has done something risky. Did she really go 30 days without any food, only water? What about the occasional vitamin?

This can't be good for you. Can it?

Here's another unhappy person who has been starving herself. Check out this woman's story:

For some reason, the men on youtube don't seem as willing to suffer. Check out this guy's amazing story:

Wow, this guy lost 400 pounds, very heart-breaking, heart-warming:

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